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2022 - Niue 5 NZD Gold Coin Mythical Creatures - Pegas - Proof

Producer:Czech Mint
Catalogue number:CN75784-611
Denomination:5 NZD
Gold Fineness:Au 999,9/1000
Weight:3,11 g
Diameter:16 mm
Mintage (pcs):500
Packaging:capsule, box, certificate
Our price: 7 990 Kč inc. of VAT
Availability: By warehouse 2 pcs

Mythical Creature - Pegasus

Pegasus was a mythical creature known from the mythology of the ancient Greeks, but also Mesopotamians, Hittites, Etruscans and Phoenicians. This proud and beautiful animal, which was born from the dead body of the monstrous Medusa, took the form of a winged horse. Pegasus ran faster than any other steed and flew as fast as the wind. He lived in the mountains, where he met immortal gods and mortal heroes. He accompanied Heracles on his travels. He helped Bellerophontus fight Chimera and the Amazons, but refused to carry him to the top of Olympus. He also served the Muses, and so became a symbol of inspiration, imagination and poetic flight. Eventually, Pegasus reached the heavens, where it became a constellation. Although he was the first winged stallion, he did not remain the only one - all flying horses are called pegasi in his honour...

The medal maker Asamat Baltaev, DiS., placed a rearing steed on the reverse side of the coin, supplemented with the English inscription PEGASUS. Moreover, the mintage does not have a classic coin frame - instead, the relief is surrounded by decorative Hellenistic ornaments that permeate the entire collecting cycle. As the coins of the Czech Mint are issued with a foreign licence from the island of Niue, they bear the portrait and name of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse side, the nominal value of 5 DOLLARS (NZD) and the year of issue 2022.

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